Enlighten Someone Daily
Public Appearances!
- Blended
Shop - Canastota, NY!
This is NOT Enlighten Someone
Daily! Blended Shop is an incredible, eclectic boutique that just
on Peterboro Street in Canastota (just opposite the Post
Office). They are stocking our book My Mom Parents
Your Child
At The Restaurant and that is a big deal for us! PLEASE stop in,
buy the book there and support
this amazing new small business
that is supporting local arts, artists and businesses.
September 28,
2024 -
Annual Local Authors & Artists Expo - Richfield
We will have a table at this awesome community event
highlighting local authors, artists and small businesses (in Upstate
New York,
40 miles is still local!)!
We will have our books, our author will be awake and personable...
come and discover lovely
Richfield Springs and buy some books and
art from us and other artists you've not yet fallen in love with!
7 - 9, 2025 -
Farpoint Convention
Pikesville, MD!
We are returning to Pikesville for a convention we
love. This year, we hope to leave with all of our underwear.
will have new books (plural!) and we love supporting this con. Come
for the celebrities, shop with us and save
on the shipping (which
we can't control!).
March 29 &
30, 2025 - Syracuse
Collectors Con - Syracuse, NY
This is a
fandom convention for collectors and while we'll be there primarily
with our other business, we
will be in the vendor's room set up
with our books available for sale and the author on-site signing for
Come check it out!
11 - 13, 2025 - Shore
Leave 45 - Lancaster, PA
One of our
favorite conventions each year, this is an awesome conventions for
fans of science fiction
and literature! While we are not on the
official list of authors attending, we will be at Shore Leave in
dealer's room! It's a great convention in the new location;
come check it out and meet our author!
Contact us below to put us on your schedule.
© 2024 Enlighten Someone Daily Productions
Contact Us About
Scheduling A Reading/Art Installation Here